Strokes are among the most serious and life-threatening injuries and diseases that can affect the brain. They happen when the blood supply to the brain is cut off suddenly, and the brain is deprived of oxygen. This leads to a lack of oxygen to the brain cells and eventually to brain damage. This blog will touch upon the signs of stroke, as well as the warning signs that tell you that a stroke is about to occur.

Stroke is a condition where the blood supply to the brain is suddenly and unexpectedly reduced or disrupted, which results in brain tissue damage. A stroke is a life-threatening event that can cause permanent damage if not treated quickly. Unfortunately, almost a third of stroke victims die within the first three hours, so prevention is very important.

What are the signs of stroke?


A Sudden numbness in the face, leg, arm, or especially on one side of the body.

Strokes (also called “brain attacks”) are a medical emergency. When a part of your brain stops working, you lose control over the messages being sent to your body, and your body doesn't know what to do. In the minutes or hours after a stroke, your body and brain can't communicate, and your body goes into a state of shock. It's not until the damage is done that anyone realizes something’s wrong, and then by that time, it can be too late.


A Sudden confusion like a problem in speaking

Stroke is a devastating medical condition that can affect the brain or cause paralysis of the face muscles. It is the second leading cause of adult disability.


A trouble in the sense of sight

Strokes can happen to anyone, no matter our age or gender. Stroke can affect our loved ones and us in many ways. The first thing you should know about a stroke is that it can cause damage to a part of the brain involved in controlling movement and emotions. When a stroke happens, the brain will start to lose its ability to control your body. This will result in a loss of movement and feeling.


Being dizzy and having trouble walking

The arteries in your heart are very small and narrow tubes. The blood vessels from your heart pump blood throughout your body as well as to your brain. When the blood vessels in your brain are blocked, or if the blood vessels in your heart become blocked, normally, you would feel lightheaded and faint. Blood vessels in your lungs can also become blocked. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you need to seek medical attention immediately.


A sudden severe headache

The sudden onset of a severe headache is a life-threatening situation for many stroke patients. In fact, out of every 100 stroke patients in the UK, about 20 of them will experience a major stroke during the first month after they've been discharged from the hospital. Even though it's a common event, it's a very difficult diagnosis to make, and it's not known exactly why it happens.

The sudden onset of persistent numbness or weakness in one side of your body usually begins suddenly in one leg or arm and usually affects one side of your face. It generally spreads to the face, neck, arms, and back. This is the stroke of the day today. The unknown causes of the stroke worry the medical professionals who are trying to find a solution to the problem.

Stroke is a medical condition wherein a sudden loss of blood circulation to part of the brain causes a temporary or permanent disability. Most stroke victims are over 55 years of age, and 80% of these victims have diabetes. The stroke is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. Blood vessels in the brain, also known as blood vessels of the brain, serve as the body’s main transportation system for blood. Blood flows through these vessels to supply the brain with oxygen and nutrients. Stroke is also referred to as cerebral infarction. Strokes are serious and sometimes deadly events. It is important to be able to identify and report the warning signs of stroke.