Do you want to teach your dogs new tricks? If yes, this article will help you to teach our dogs some funny tricks. It is a nice idea to them with some new tricks since this could be a way for us to spend more time together. We can play games with them, stimulate our puppies, and even strengthen our relationship with our pets. With the different training and tricks that we can introduce to them, we can help our dogs to maintain their physical and mental well-being. In fact, this is also a sort of exercise to them.

At some point, if you properly teach your dogs some funny tricks, then you can help them to reinforce good behavior, essential commands, and some critical obedience skills such as impulse control. Always remember that it takes time and extra effort for your dogs to learn new skills and commands. As you go with your training with them, you need to make sure that the learning process is fun so that your dog will engage well in your activity. Here are the top 5 funny tricks to teach your dog:

Hand targeting

This kind of training involves touching their nose to your hand as your command them to do. This is one of the most fundamental commands for dogs. This could be your foundation in teaching your pets to perform more complicated tricks by just using your hand as their guide. This type of trick is also a form of training to improve the obedience skills of the dogs. This is very useful when you want to move your dog from one place to another place. Training with a hand target is said to be useful for encouraging timid dogs to discover someone or something which makes them nervous. You may start teaching your dogs to target your hand, which is adjacent to the scary person or object. However, you need to be patient and stop doing the tricks if you notice that your dogs seem to upset or stressed.


This is one of the funny tricks your dogs can learn. Allow your dogs to run and make some twists on your command by requesting them to stop running and lie down. This trick can help your pets in improving their listening skills and impulse control. This can also be a part of your daily routines with your dogs since this is a healthy way of performing an exercise.

Hide and Seek

You can teach your dogs with this trick using a toy, a treat, or even yourself as the unseen object. This trick helps your dog to think and move around. It is considered as one of the interesting games that involve more interactions between you and your dogs. This hide and seek trick would give you so much time while your dog is entertained and stimulated.

Army Crawl 

This trick could teach your dogs with the usual army crawl. Your dogs will crouch down, and they will crawl on the ground towards you. Once they do the trick that you are teaching to them, you must give them the treats that they deserve. You can repeat the procedures until those things are inculcated on their minds. In this way, they can learn how to do the army crawl while you are enjoying your activity with them.

Take a Bow

You can teach your dog with this trick by just simply bowing with their chest onto the ground. This could be a simple but funny trick that you can teach to your dogs. You can introduce this trick as a perfect ending for the series of tricks that you teach to them.

These simple but funny things are just some of the tricks that you can teach to your dogs. You can learn some more tricks if you want and try to give them the best tricks for them. If you know some more tricks for your dogs, then you can share them to us! Feel free to share your opinions by writing your ideas in the comment section.