When it comes to baking a cake, the sky is the limit. You can use a cake mix; you can use your own recipe. In fact, I’ve seen many a cake that was baked in an oven, not a microwave, and even in a convection oven. But, when it comes to trying to bake a cake that looks like it came from a cake mix, there are many tips and tricks you can use to make that task easier.

Tips for Baking Cakes for Beginners

  1. Seriously, we think everyone can bake a cake. You don’t need to be a professional baker or anything like that. All you need is a good recipe and a little bit of know-how. Come to think of it, there’s just one thing that could make baking an even more fun than it already is – that is knowing some helpful tips when baking a cake. If you are still a beginner, no worries, here are several tips for baking a cake:

  2. Stick to what was directed in the recipe. Pick up any cake recipe, and you will find a list of ingredients and steps that you should follow as a cake maker. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re important because they help ensure that your cake turns out as you expect it to, and they provide a guide to help ensure you’re following the right procedure.

  3. Measure the ingredients properly. Measuring ingredient properly is important. If your ingredients are not measured properly or measured incorrectly, then your cake will not turn out well, or it will not turn out at all.

  4. As the recipe suggests, stick to room-temperature ingredients. You see, if you want to be a good baker, you shouldn’t make exceptions to the normal rules, especially when it comes to keeping things at room temperature. For cakes, room temperature ingredients mean ingredients that were in the fridge, at room temperature, and ready for use.

  5. Use cake flour. There are many different flour types available to bakers and cake makers. The most common are cake flour, cake powder, and self-rising flour, which are all often combined to create a cake mix. The original recipe for the cake mix is usually based on the proportion of the ingredients in the mix. Still, the mix does not contain all the ingredients needed for the cake batter due to the fact that it is a product for convenience. The ratio of flour to other ingredients in a cake mix varies from brand to brand, so if its a cake mix that you think you’re going to make, grab a packet of ready-made mix, as it will be more than likely to be correct on the weight of the flour and other ingredients.

  6. Over and under mixing is not acceptable. Learning how to bake a cake isn’t as scary as it sounds, but it does require a little bit of practice. Some people think the secret to baking is to over-mix the batter and others think it’s to under-mix it. Whichever one you choose, don’t over-mix! Over-mixing will result in tough cake, which can be hard to slice, and under-mixing can leave your cake more dry, crumbly, and fragile. Follow the directed mixing procedures in the recipe, and you’ll be safe.

  7. Don’t forget to use parchment paper rounds on your cake pan. Parchment paper is a thin non-stick film found in most kitchens. It is used to line baking sheets to protect the cake from getting stuck in the pan. It is also used to prevent spills and clean-up.

  8. Let your cake cool first in the pan before decorating it. The importance of cooling is one of the biggest factors that can ruin a cake, even if it still ends up tasting good. It is best to allow the cake to cool completely before frosting or decorating it.

Have you tried baking a cake? How was it? Share some of your cake tips and even baking mishaps in the comment section below.