The initial mission to the famed red planet began its countdown. With the advent of science and technological perspectives, the flight to Mars’s planet would be possible today. But there are some controversial issues pertaining to the time duration it takes for the first man to fly to this planet. The projection date by the Professor of Astronautics and a former astronaut, Ulrich Walter, is around early August come 2048. It is because, at that time, the constellation of Earth and Mars will be promising for landing on the said planet. Some other scientists are also optimistic enough about this kind of plan.

There’s one problem which some people think about the flight of the first human to Mars. Some of them are worried about the stance of astronauts. These astronauts should also return to Earth without being harmed. Ulrich Walter may see this with considerable risks. According to the professor – “There is now the planet which is now within our reach. This veracity can even drive people to go and explore this planet”.

For some scientists, planet Mars became the source of attraction. Alexander Gerst, who is a former Commander of the ISS or International Space Station, believes that it is a high probability that there’s life on this rocky planet. However, going to Mars need more time since it takes us to reach this planet for about 6-7 months. According to Alexander Gerst – “If we even go and reach the red planet and find signs of natural life there, either alive or extinct, it is only an indication that the whole universe is perhaps swarming with living things.” This could be perceived as the only proof that we are not just living along in the whole universe.

It was also mentioned by some astronauts that the planet Mars is somewhat the same to our planet. However, there are no signs of an advanced form of life on the red planet, which all of us want to explore and prove. Planet Mars also has a dense atmosphere, and there is also a mass of water on its surface. Aside from that, there are also some formations of pale gypsum that are visible this time. At some point, they believe that this was formed because of the water evaporation. Because of this, many scientists became very interested because of this aspect. What they want to know and explore more is about the exact things and situations that are happening on this planet. They also wanted to discover some data which they can gather for the benefits of our planet. All the things about exploration are the primary goal of scientists and astronauts.

The CEO and space visionary of Tesla, Elon Musk, wants to colonize the planet Mars. He wants to move at least 1 million people who will live on Mars since he believes that this red planet is an alternative place to Earth. However, living there on Mars is not that simple and easy. We may not know what exactly happen to the people if they stay there for good.

For those people who would like to live on Mars, Alexander Gerst said it is quite frightening since nothing is familiar yet. And living there on Mars is an entirely new environment to us. Whoever plans to fly to Mars, I’m expecting to see them unharmed when they came back to Earth, and let’s hear their stories and experienced regarding the red planet.

What can you say about the plans to fly to planet Mars? Do you have any concepts that roam around in your mind? Well, let me also know your ideas by sharing your thoughts by adding something in the comment section. Your thoughts are highly appreciated for additional knowledge and information.