Homework is an intrinsic part of studying. If you are a student, it is unheard of if you don’t experience doing homework. You have probably done lots of them, right? Many educators believe that giving their students’ homework is like giving them an avenue to discover and learn more, to hone their skills, to encourage their creativity, and to gain mastery on particular subject matters. These things indeed play a big role in developing the child’s mental capacity and make him an effective learner.

However, homework is now being argued upon. Psychologists and even some educators themselves state that doing overwhelming homework has become an unbearable battle for many students and even the parents themselves.  Some studies also revealed that students who are given too many assignments start to suffer from sleep deprivation, unhealthy stress levels, and many other related health issues.

The following are also known reasons why, for some individuals, homework does not make sense:

  • Can Add to the Child’s Burden
    Students have been spending most of their time at school; that is why giving them homework to be accomplished at home somehow adds to their burden. They should not be given homework because they also need to rest and take their minds off the overwhelming school works. Most students are already weary when they reach home, so bombarding them with a lot of homework will just make them feel burnt out.
  • Counter-Productive
    Instead of improving their educational achievement, heavy loads of homework can affect the students negatively. The stress associated with having to complete their homework at night can certainly affect their performance in school. In classroom settings, the student should learn things, but they also need to spend some time exploring and enjoying other activities out of school and spending more quality time with family and friends.
  • Can Make the Students Feel Stressed
    If more homework is given to students, particularly the younger ones can result in unhealthy stress levels, and this is according to some research. If overwhelmed with lots of schools works both at home and in school, students might feel anxiety and stress in case they fail to finish their homework.  Students should learn in school, but they also need to continue living a normal kid’s life out of school.    
  • Less Important
    Teachers might be doing their best in giving their students homework that makes them engaged, and it’s still hard to see the value of works that kids do at home. This is because some tutors and parents are actually the ones doing these assignments – meaning, the real benefits of doing homework as a learning tool are completely lost. Excessive loads of homework could also mean that the students aren’t able to commit more time to each task as they should.
  • Consumes Free Time
    As mentioned, children also need time to catch up with family and friends and do extracurricular activities to refresh their bodies and mind. But unfortunately, homework tends to eat up time their time in doing this. In the case of older students, homework and other school works may also compete with casual and part-time works making it hard for them to achieve a balance between work and school.

These are the known reasons homework does not make sense and can somehow affect the lives of school children negatively and in many ways. But though some completely agree that homework is just an added burden, it still cannot be denied that school is a vital aspect of children’s lives, and doing homework is a part of it.

Some of the Advantages

Of course, homework also provides some pros. A few of them are highlighted below:

  • It Teaches Kids About Time Management
    Children start to be responsible and independent with their learning.
  • It Allows them to Set Priorities 
    Students who learn to set priorities at a young age help them become lifelong productive and competitive individuals in the future.
  • It Lowers Screen Time
    Studies show that a student in the US alone gets a minimum of 3 hours of screen time every day. There’s a worse case than that. When kids are not in school, the figure reaches 7 hours of screen time.
    While homework might be disliked, it encourages a good study habit. It also minimizes the time being spent in front of the television or computer.
  • It Allows Students to Develop their Problem Solving Skills
    Children who can solve real-life problems enable them to be independent and responsible.

Other Advantages
Homework teaches your kids the importance of planning, taking action, and staying organized. It allows them to take responsibility for their part in the educational process. It also gives children the chance to review any class materials.

Homework can be both advantageous and disadvantageous. To improve students’ academic performance, teachers should vary the assignment. They should not give students daily homework.

Through homework, students are able to learn and acquire new skills that they will surely need to become successful in life. Doing homework won’t harm anyone, especially those who are committed ot learn and gain mastery. But of course, there must be a balance. Teachers must also realize that students definitely need to study, but they also need a break at times.