I always love decorating my apartment every season. I started last summer, and this fall, I have a few plans to level up my apartment once again.

Before, I didn’t modify my interior when seasons change. Things are a bit different today. I always make sure to change furniture arrangement, tweak themes, and add decors. Yes, it is a bit time-consuming and tricky. But it’s worth it.

Always Use A Candle

I always associate the fall season with candles. When autumn starts, I never forget to light a candle every night, adding color and fragrant fall aromas to apartments of any size. But I use unscented candles as I suffer from migraines. If you don’t have allergies, popular autumn scents include apple, clove, pumpkin spice, and cinnamon.

Add A Wreath

Before, people only used wreaths for Christmas. These days, everyone uses classic decor during different seasons and occasions.

Since I love creating my decor, I make wreaths. But if you have a busy schedule or are not creative, there are ready-made autumn wreaths you can buy from nearby plant nurseries and craft stores.

Aside from doors, you can place wreaths on your tables and bookcases. They are easy to set up. Within one or two minutes, you’re all set.

Decide The Theme You Want

Choosing decorations is a shared concern for people living in apartments. The secret is to pick a theme you prefer.

Do you want a traditional apartment look? Well, you can incorporate some of your Halloween favorites, including scarecrows and witches. You can browse the internet for ideas.

When searching for vintage and unusual autumn decorations, there are internet sites and thrift stores you can visit.

Prepare Pieces of Autumnal Art

An autumn-themed apartment won’t be completed without paintings or prints of colorful forests. Aside from drawing your autumnal art, you can collect leaves around your home. Apply enough glue on dry leaves. Then, preserve them with your preferred solution. This provides plenty of visual appeals you cannot resist.

Use A Plenty of Festive Pillows

Pillows are another fall decor you should have at home. When you buy new pillows, make sure they are yellow, orange, green, brown, and maroon that mimic the color of autumn.

If you cannot find the right design, you can make pillow covers, especially when you enjoy sewing. This can help you save some cash and achieve your dream style.

Transform Your Bedding Into An Autumn-Bedding One

During autumn, it’s fun to stay in your bed for hours. Since you spend most of your time in your bedroom, why don’t you make your bedding autumn-themed?

How to get started? Simply choose a comforter or duvet in rich plaids or fall shades. Yes, you are an adult. But don’t stick to boring and dull sheets. A colorful bedroom can indeed change your mood and add some positivity to your everyday life.

Incorporate Pottery

Don’t you have an attractive and nice pottery? If yes, there’s nothing to worry about. Just visit and pick a white bowl at a nearby thrift shop and local store. Then, level up its design by adding some color with craft or acrylic paint. From there, decorate it with a fall-themed pattern. When it dries, fill it with some Halloween treats, apples, and pine cones.

Nothing can beat a fall-themed apartment during autumn. It’s extremely relaxing and romantic sometimes.

So, what’s your thought? Please feel free to share your opinions in the comment section below. Tell us how you decorate your apartment during autumn. We’d love to hear your experiences!