Everyone recommends getting up early, from the alarm clock to the boss. However, most of these “experts” don’t have a great idea of what it takes to make this change. For some people, getting up early is easy. For others, like myself, it is practically impossible to get up early. I have always been a grumpy person and have always been a late riser, getting out of bed whenever I’m motivated enough. However, my regular lack of motivation is no longer good enough for me, especially when everyone else around me is living on “the other side of the day.”

While many people consider themselves morning people, very few actually are. Even worse, the people who are grumpy in the morning are often grumpy throughout the day, affecting relationships at work and at home. If you or someone you know has a bad case of the “morning grumps” or is simply not a morning person, the good news is that it’s not a permanent condition.

How to change the attitude and activity?

Plan your day and Do Something Different by Yourself

Sure, you can get your kids up early, but most mornings, they’re cranky and out of sorts. Meanwhile, you’re exhausted from getting up early too, and the mornings take forever to get through. Before you know it, it’s after nine, and you’re tempted to call out sick. So why not try to balance things out a bit? Instead of starting the day with the kids, try getting up a bit earlier yourself and heading out to do something fun.

Observe Your Sleep Pattern and Improve It

We’ve all been there: after waking up groggy, we grumble our way through breakfast and punch the snooze button at least 2 times. But why is it that some of us can wake up with a smile while others struggle with getting out of bed? It turns out, much of the morning grumpiness stems from aggravating circumstances, from being too warm to a lack of caffeine, to not enough sleep to going to bed late the night before.

Switch to a Positive Attitude

Often the key to a successful outcome is changing your attitude. Whether you want to wake up early or start your morning on a positive note, it’s up to you to change your attitude. To change your attitude, you first have to know what’s holding your current attitude back. You may be harboring negative self-talk, or you may be discouraged because you’re struggling with a goal or dream. Once you understand what’s keeping you from having a positive attitude, you can begin to change it.

What is the advantage of getting up early? Are you a morning person? Do you feel more energetic in the morning? Do you feel more productive in the morning? What is your morning routine like? A lot of people are wondering about the benefits of being a morning person.

The early bird really does get the worm, according to new research. People who wake up early are generally more successful than those who lie in, says a study. Researchers have found that early risers tend to be more proactive, successful, and happy with their lives. They are also more likely to enjoy outdoor activities.