5G has taken the world by storm. Unlike 4G LTE, 3G and 3G, 5G is believed to improve speed. Recent studies indicate that 5G could reach 10 gigabits per second. It is 20 x faster compared to 4G LTE.

Aside from speed, the lag time between devices is another advantage to expect. This means the activities online could be real-time. A good example is a remote surgery. Driverless cars could be possible. The communication with each other can be done in milliseconds without collision.

The connectivity will also be on a different level. Experts believe that 5G could support approximately one million devices per square miles. It is 100x better compared to 4g LTE.

However, 5G has a shorter range than 4G because of the electromagnetic spectrum. This means subscribers have to invest in different 5G small cells, whether in rural or urbanized areas.

In other words, 5G can break your bank. Specialists believe the price for a 5G smartphone can range from $200 to $300.

Aside from the costs, many people think that 5G can pose a risk to humans. Read on for more information!

Aside from TV antennas and medical applications, mobile devices emit radiofrequency EMFs. According to scientists, radiofrequency waves can be carcinogenic to humans. The 30 members of the International Agency for Research on Cancer suggest that exposure to RF-EMF, in the long run, can lead to glioma.

Other studies indicate EF-EMF exposure can result in acoustic neuroma. But it needs further evidence to prove the claim.

WHO, on the other hand, says that long-term exposure to power-frequency fields or radiofrequency does not have any adverse health effects. Still, scientists continually conduct research.

Are 5G Towers Hazardous?

Quite a few studies suggest that excessive exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields could damage the cells and lead to cancer. The findings of the studies, however, are not unique to 5G.

Aside from the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization, the National Toxicology Program concluded that RFR exposure caused the decreased weight of pregnant rats. This is especially true during gestation.

But the body weights are back to normal after a few weeks. The non-exposed rats have the same results. Generally, RFR-exposed male rats could live longer.

These studies neither agree nor deny that 5G can be dangerous to humans. But wireless communication technologies can pose health risks, especially in a higher dose. 5G, on the contrary, is more or less dangerous than 4G or 3G.

Other Benefits and Features

Aside from speed, lag time, and connectivity, 5G provides other possibilities. Some of them are highlighted below:

Enhanced Capacity

Who doesn’t want a much-improved speed? Everyone loves that. Compared to 4G LTE, 5G is faster and more reliable. But how will 5G help small, mid-sized, and large businesses streamline any of their technology initiatives?

5G will deliver approximately 1000x more capacity than 4G. This opens many opportunities for IoT development. It also helps redefine how wireless networks work. With a large capacity for devices, use cases and new applications for businesses will improve.

Increased Bandwidth

The combination of network capacity and increased speed can transfer larger amounts of data. This allows for greater optimization of network traffic.

Before, stadiums struggled to offer fast and risk-free connectivity to the audience. But everything changed with 5G. No matter how large the spectators in a stadium, 5G networks can come into play.

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