The bedroom is often considered to be the most intimate and relaxing room in the house. Many people spend more than half their lives sleeping, so it’s no wonder that your bedroom should be a relaxing haven. But do you have the optimal bedroom environment to promote good sleep?

When it comes to bedrooms, some colours simply don’t belong. Orange, yellow, and red, for example, can make you more alert. Blue, on the other hand, promotes relaxation and can help you fall asleep faster. Neutral hues, such as gray and beige, have little effect on how you sleep.

The bedroom should be a private sanctuary where you relax and recharge, but did you know that the colour of your bedroom can influence the quality of sleep you get? A study has discovered that blue light from electronic devices, TVs, and smartphones can interrupt the sleep cycle, causing sleep disturbances. The recommended colour for your bedroom is blue, which can help combat stress and regulate your breathing, meaning that you’ll have a restful night.

Do you know that blue is the optimal color in the bedroom for better sleep? Blue makes you sleep better, stay sleepy the next day, and fall asleep faster, according to scientists. Blue light has a soothing effect, and studies show it affects our sleep hormones.

When it comes to bedroom colours, blue is considered the optimal colour. Blue is a calming colour, stimulates the mind, provides a sense of security, and improves sleep quality. We’ve found 8 of the best blue paints to inspire your next bedroom makeover!

Blue has been scientifically proven to be the best color for your bedroom – specifically because it promotes a better night’s sleep. Blue is called a “calming” color, and when we sleep, our bodies produce melatonin – a hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. When our bodies produce less melatonin than we need, we experience insomnia, which causes us to not sleep soundly. Having blue in your sleeping room helps to regulate the production of melatonin, so you’ll fall asleep easier and stay asleep longer.

Blue light is thought to suppress melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep, by your pineal gland. Blue light also causes the brain to secrete more serotonin, which can promote wakefulness, keeping people awake for longer. Blue light is better avoided in the evening, so always keep electronic devices and lights like lamps and televisions away from your bedside.

Blue has been shown to reduce the amount of REM sleep a person experiences, meaning it won’t help you fall asleep as fast as reds, oranges, greens, and yellows. Blue also lowers heart rate and blood pressure, which contributes to better sleep. Blue also promotes relaxation, which puts you in a better state of mind for sleep, and decreases stress, which can also be a factor as to why you have a hard time falling asleep.

Of course, blue is definitely the most optimal colour, even according to various studies. However, do keep in mind that other colours can be a good substitute as well! For example, even yellow or green are great substitutes. If you do have any colours you’d like to recommend, or if you have anything to share, you can do so in our comment section.