Cats can learn all sorts of tricks. Teaching them is easy. Many simple tricks take less than 30 minutes to teach. Cats also enjoy practicing and seeing their owners’ reactions to their tricks. Cat training can be fun for both of us.

Tricks on How to Teach Cats

Cats can be trained to perform tricks that help them be healthier, such as bringing toys to their owners, consuming food, or using a litter box. Cat owners can offer rewards like treats, praise, and toys when their cats perform well on these tricks. Eventually, owners can cut down on the treats and praise so that the cat doesn’t gain unwanted weight.

  • Putting Something Smelly – The most helpful trick is to put something smelly in the cat’s cage. The farther away it is from the cat, the more effective it will be. Cats love treats that smell like their humans or dog. Whenever my cats try to eat something that smells bad or spicy, they start throwing up.
  • Combining treats with a Clicker – Teaching a cat can be very easy and very rewarding. Just teaching my kitty to sit while rewarding her with a clicker, and my cat will learn how to sit. The more treats I give her, the more she wants to learn. 
  • Keeping the training Sessions short – Cats don’t respond well to repetitive training, so I’ll try to use short sharp sessions. Create a fun environment, play my cat’s favorite game and reward it with treats.
  • Offering a Praise or Reward – Cats, like humans, expect praise and a reward to reinforce good behavior. Cats, however, also like to eat. 

Cats are not as lazy or difficult to train as many owners think. The cat enjoys being rewarded for performing a trick and can become very trainable. We can teach cats tricks. Cats can learn a trick and can perform it really well. Cats, just like us, love to perform tricks for an audience. The best reward you can give your kitty is your love. Buy your cat toys, treat, and food for rewards, but don’t get obsessed with it. Giving your cat treats when you aren’t in the mood to do a thing, or anytime she’s exhibiting naughty behavior, will reward her for that behavior. Your cat only needs so much. Give her positive reinforcements and provide her with mental enrichment. Cats are intelligent creatures and deserve our love and attention.