To those who ever felt like they were alone in a crowd and those who have had mind-blowing moments themselves, this is for whom this blog is made. This blog is to share and to collect all your mindblown moments and other high-quality mindblown series and films that you can watch on your own and share with others.

Relaxation Through Screentime

We live in a world of constant stress, where many of us feel as if we are always on the edge of our seats. We always have to be productive, and we are under pressure to meet deadlines and make sure that everything goes according to the plan. However, we also have to make time for relaxation, and it is often a challenge to do this in our busy lifestyles. If you struggle to find the time to relax, then we have the solution for you: screentime. Screentime is the new relaxation technique that makes it easier than ever to relax. With a few clicks on your PC or tablet, you can instantly escape the real world and enter a world of your choosing. So, sit back and relax!

Relatively speaking, it’s pretty hard to come by a series or movie that you can say is a masterpiece. Even the best ones usually have at least one or two aspects that could have been better. But there are a few series and movies out there that are so mind-blowingly fantastic that they can’t be truly described in words. They are the kind of series and movies that are so intense and so emotional that you would pause for a few minutes just to take in everything that you’ve seen. They are so original and so well executed that you will stop and think, “Wow, I can’t believe it’s possible that someone created this.”

Have Fun With Your Family While Watching Series and Movies

We all had that one series that blew our minds. Whether it was a twist or a trope, there is always one series that changed television as a whole. Join us as we check out the mindblown series; you might like them as well: 

  1. Mad Men
  2. Star Trek
  3. The Walking Dead
  4. Breaking Bad
  5. The Voice
  6. The Big Bang Theory
  7. Friends
  8. Rick and Morty
  9. Stranger Things
  10. 12 Monkeys

It’s been an age-old question; how do you watch your favorite series and movies with your family without everyone in the family going crazy? Well, you might be surprised to hear this, but you don’t have to follow all the rules you’ve been told. There are many different ways to get your family to enjoy watching series and movies, even if they can’t stand the idea of sitting down for hours on end.

Movies and TV shows are a great way to spend some quality time with your family. (Also, who doesn’t love binge-watching TV series?) However, with so many different streaming services and cable channels, it can be hard to find out what is available. To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of the top streaming services and what they offer, as well as what are the best series and movies out there.