Nothing can compare to a pimple that is angry that lights fire to the regimen of your skin. Having breakouts are like a call for you to solve the problem, even if it is a chronic picking. There will also be things that can be good for your skin and also your health. If you are trying calm that flared up acne, we have your back! We have compiled some things to do and things you should not do when you have pimples. There will also be some tips and tricks on how to maintain a face that is free from pimples, so let us get started.

  • Ice the Pimple
    If your face is in pain because of a pimple that is swollen, try getting a ice cube from the freezer. You should wrap the ice cube in a cloth that’s thin and put it on the spot that is swollen and leave it there for 3 to about 4 minutes. You should do this repeatedly in a day so that the pain can be relieved and also reduce the swelling temporarily.
  • Don’t Do Anything to Your Pimple
    I’m very sure that you have heard of this before, and I know that you are tempted to touch it. If you do it, you’ll bring more harm to your face and nothing good. You’ll bring some trauma to your precious skin, and it will cause your skin to have inflammation or some kind of infection, and maybe even a scar.
  • Layer Beauty Products in Proper Order
    A lot of us try to cover our pimple with so much concealer, though it will be much better if you follow some steps for first. You should start with a face that is clean and then start to apply the moisturizer that should be free from any type of oil.
  • Be Aware of Food That Triggers Pimple
    Is your worst enemy chocolates? How about late-night runs to get a meal from McDonald’s is making your skin be in bad condition. These types of foods don’t really affect every single one of us, but you should create a list of specific food that can make your face breakout. The hard part about it, though, is the part where you really have to avoid them, but it’s okay. I know that you are strong and will resist temptation.

Now that we have finished on how to keep yourself from having outbreaks, we will now go to how you can maintain a face that is free from pimples. Let’s go!

  • Wash Face Properly
    If you want to prevent yourself from having pimples, it is very important to wash away the things that your face caught. Tips: You should only wash your face at least twice a day so that pimples will not worsen. Do not wash with cleansers that are harsh and that can dry skin. Use cleansers that are free from alcohol.
  • Be Aware of The Skin Type That You Have
    Whatever skin type that you have, you will still have breakouts. The most prone are oily skinned people. A skin that is made out of combination can also cause pimples. Do you what this means? It means you both have skin that is oily and dry. When you know your skin type, you’ll be able to choose the skin products for you.
  • Skin Should Be Moisturized
    Your face stays hydrated when you use moisturizers. Though often moisturizers have oil, or fragrance that is synthetic or others that can sometimes irritate your skin that causes pimples. Tip: Use moisturizers that are free from fragrance and are noncomedogenic.

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