Do you plan to have plants at home? Are you having a hard time taking care of your houseplants? Not a problem! In this post, you will learn different care tips for your houseplants.

If you have plants at home that quickly wilted or withered, it does not necessarily mean that you do not have that “green thumb” or growing plants is not for you. The truth is, you can be a good plant owner. 

The process of growing indoor or house plants is not too complicated. All you need to do is to follow the tips below, and you will be surprised how healthy and beautiful house plants:

Proper Choice of Soil

When it comes to growing your houseplants, soil tends to become a little bit of a misnomer. Beware that the best media for this type of plant is soil-less. Combine equal parts of compost, perlite or vermiculite, and pear moss.

If you have orchids, they are known to be picky when it comes to potting medium. A combination of well-drained potting mixture and plenty of room allows them to breathe, which is perfect for orchids.

Water Enough 

Some people overwater their plants, while others are not watering enough. Keep in mind that houseplants do not want to have “wet feet,” a term when the roots are saturated from sitting in the puddle for several days.

If you want to assess the most accurate water need, you need to test your plants’ weight. Get the container of the plant and figure out how much it weighs. If it is lighter, it means it needs more water. However, most indoor plants prefer being a little dry to soaking wet.

Water your plants once or twice a week. You can try pouring water onto the soil slowly and deliberately. Once the water starts to escape from the container’s drainage holes, you need to stop watering. Water your houseplants a few times monthly during the winter season.

Place a Tray Underneath the Plant’s Container 

The best way to prevent a mess while catching excess water is by placing a tray underneath your plant’s container. You can choose between a plain, unadorned plastic tray and a more decorative tray.

Use A Spray Bottle 

You can consider buying a simple spray bottle for your houseplants. Generally, a light misting one or two times a day is highly beneficial to them. As you try to duplicate the plant’s natural environment, you need to consider misting and humidity.

Right Light 

Plants need light to perform photosynthesis, so it is as essential as water. While most plants require sunlight to grow, some need less light. 

Generally, your houseplants require low light (less than3 hours/day), medium light (4-6 hours/day), and high light (six or more hours/day). They either need direct or bright light (sunlight from the south-facing window) or filtered or indirect light (light from a bulb or sunlight through the curtain). 

Do not worry if your indoor plants do get the light they require. They will not necessarily die. However, they fail to produce new growth

Provide Fertilizers 

While houseplants carry out photosynthesis to survive, they still require more direct food to grow. That is why you need to provide fertilizers to ensure they are healthy.

The fertilizer can be in the form of granules that will break down over time. Generally, granules are applied once every few months. You can also take advantage of water-soluble fertilizers. These fertilizers are applied every two weeks.

With the above tips, take care of your plants at home is not frustrating anymore. 

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