Let’s go through the history of iPhones, shall we? It all began from the CEO of Apple and the engineers of the company as they were asked to create a investigation of the devices that were touch screen and the computer tablets and their uses. Steve Jobs finally announced on the year 2007 9th of January the first ever iPhone to exist during the convention in Macworld, the phone that Apple created got the attention of many medias. He said to the media that the iPhone that he had shown during Macworld would be released later in the same year. The announced iPhone was then released on the 29th of June.

On the same day, Apple made a 7.3 version of the iTunes so that it can coincide with the first iPhone’s release. The release of this version of iTunes supported service activation and also syncing for the iPhone.

The iPhone was also manufactured in a Taiwanese company named Hon Hai and a factory called Shenzhen, Hon Hai is also called Foxconn. The generation that was made first only supported mobile data for 2G, so they were called iPhone 2G, the name that many people referred to the first gen iPhones was never really used by the company Apple.

We all know that Apple removed headphone jacks from iPhones, but before the iPhone 7 came out with no headphone jack, other companies did try it too though they did not receive too much criticism from netizens. The issue was tackled by Apple head on and it was during the launch event of the iPhone 7, Apple explained why this is the kind of path they chose for the iPhone.

It’s a big win for iPhone users if their iPhones are waterproof. Data is collected by Apple through Genuis Bar and AppleCare about different kinds of problems users are dealing with their devices; the collected data is then used for the improvement of future products. There are some people who accidentally drop their iphone in water and then tried to save it with a  pack of rice that’s dry. I mean, there are some Youtube videos about it.

That’s what the iPhone has with limited waterproofing. It’s not that you can take your iphone with you for a swim, but the reason for that is when you accidently drop your phone in some pool or even your toilet. Waterproofing or what you actually call it water resistance is very needed with people that use the iPhone, they might not know it but it is a feature that is very important.

How about the iPhones charging sockets? Well, rumors did rumble back in the year 2018. This was when the iPhone X was soon to release and rumors said that the new model would not have a charging port, but it was all false for the iPhone X, XS, and also the iPhone 11 which came with lighting connectors and from what I see the iPhone 12 will still have it.

If Apple does plan on removing the charging socket and replacing it with inductive charging, the resistance of water from the phone will improve, and maybe they’ll make the battery bigger. Charging in an inductive way can be much better, you won’t have a problem trying to find  you charging socket that keeps on disappearing and you won’t have to detangle anything.

The Apple company is in fact trying to gear up in removing the lighting connector for the iPhone that will be released in the next following year. Inductive charging seems so interesting, life for us and for our mobile phones will be much more easier now.

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