Cats, like dogs, are fascinating creatures, and though it can be frustrating when they don't reveal their innermost thoughts, their body language contains some hidden secrets. Cats' body language is complex, so it takes some practice and observation to learn to interpret its meaning.

Cats have a great many signals and behaviors, and we rarely take the time to really notice them or understand them. If you’ve ever watched a cat, you likely have a fairly good idea of their body language, but you probably didn’t realize just how many signals and behaviors cats have to communicate.

Cats have a secret language all their own. These four-legged felines use body language to communicate to potential mates, potential chew toys, and even potential predators. Cats can open their jaws more than 40 degrees wide and open and close their jaws faster than humans, which means a cat can open and close its mouth approximately 1000 times per minute.

They are capable of communicating as much as humans, but cats will use a variety of signals to communicate. Some cats use facial expressions, some use their ears, and some will meow to communicate. Some cats even use body language to communicate, and cats can convey more information than their meows indicate.

Cats with tense muscles are usually unhappy or uncomfortable.

Cats of all shapes and sizes can experience chronic relaxation, but when tension is present, it can have a negative impact on your cat’s health. You often notice tense muscles in a cat’s face, either because of fear or anger. Older cats with health or mobility issues may develop tense muscles as well. It’s important to know how to recognize if your cat is tense or tense muscles and help your cat relax.

Cats that have a relaxed posture are happy.

Everyone knows that cats are playful, cuddly, and downright adorable. But did you know that the way your cat naturally holds himself is also an indicator of how he would respond to stress? A relaxed cat is a sign that the cat is happy. The way a cat sits on the edge, whether at an angle or with his back straight, gives clues to how relaxed he would be in stressful situations.

Happy cats also often expose their bellies and have stretched ears

When a cat is happy and healthy, it shows. Many cats will display various behaviors such as exposing their bellies, stretched ears, and a wagging tail. Other signs include purring, kneading, rubbing against people, head bobbing, paw chewing, urinating, and defecating outside.

Angry or unhappy cats have flattened ears.

When a cat’s ears flatten, it usually means they’re uncomfortable. It’s a sign of illness or pain. Flat ears, also called ear flattening, occur most often in cats with feline immunodeficiency (FIV). This condition weakens the immune system, which backs up into your cat’s ears.

Dilated eyes are a sign of unhappiness.

While people tend to think of cats as being carefree, playful, and carefree, the truth is that cats can suffer from quite a few emotional and physical health issues. For one, cats can suffer from a variety of eye conditions, including eyes that appear “puffy.” Dilated eyes can be a sign of unhappiness, revealing that your cat is feeling stressed or intimidated.


Cats are truly one of the most interesting creatures, and I hope this article helped you understand them more! Cats often get misunderstood, so knowing how they feel from their body language can help a lot when developing a relationship with your furry friend. If this helped you or you have any opinions you’d like to express, make sure to do so in the comment section below.