Your home office in corona times is important, and so is Ergonomics and health at work. In order for you to be healthy while doing work, you need an environment that will be healthy, an ergonomic place that’ll allow you to do your work without getting any injuries of any kind. There are many ways for you to design a home office that is healthy, but here are just a few tips to help you get started. 

  • By adjusting your chair so that your feet rest straight and perfectly on the ground will increase the ergonomics in your office. Also, make sure that your knees are on the same level or are on the same height as your hips, just as a way to check whether or not your feet are rested perfectly flat on the floor. But you can also always use a footstool if you are not able to adjust your chair correctly so that your feet lay flat on the floor. 
  • Make sure that your computer is not in front of the window, a bright background, or any sort of light source since that probably isn’t the best choice considering that your computer already does quite a lot of damage to your eyes. There are many ways for you to decrease screen glare, many of those ways available on the internet, like by making the brightness level of your screen much lower than what you’re used to. You can also look away from the monitor or computer and blink regularly to avoid eye fatigue. 
  • If you always rest the weight of your arms on something, the muscles that is available in both the shoulders and the neck will probably do a lot of work, especially if you go on your computer to work every single day without something to rest your arms on. You can add something that will support the weight of your arms just by adjusting the armrests if available on your chair. The armrest will remove a lot of stress that is put on your shoulders and neck. 
  • Before, we’ve been told to keep the TV screen away from our faces as much as possible so that our eyes won’t get damaged. That’s pretty much the same for computer screens as well. Keeping your face 20 to 40 inches away from your face and eyes will help your eyes. You also need the monitor to be in front of you and should be adjusted so that it is facing your face. You can try adding books or other similar items under the monitor or on your seat so that the computer monitor will face you and your face.

These are just a few tips to help you make your workspace or office more ergonomic. You need to look out for your health at times like this and a healthy environment will surely help. 

What do you think of these tips I’ve mentioned? Share other various ways on how to make your office healthier or just voice your opinion in the comment section below.