Keeping warm during the coldest days has always been a challenge for many people. Engaging in hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing during winter or cold weather can result in dampened clothes and sweating while at the same time getting cold. But that’s not all! It becomes harder when you do not have the chance to go inside and change.

However, it is no longer a problem since there are many ways to stay warm when you are outside. It will be easier for you to enjoy your activities outside without thinking that you need to go back home or indoors just to keep warm. Here are some tricks to do just that.

  • Move
    While the clothes that we wear help in trapping the heat in our body, it can only do so much in the long run. Hence, it is still best to keep moving to keep your body warm. If you are with children, they must be checked frequently if they are becoming cold as they have less fat and mass in the body, which makes them more vulnerable to being cold compared to adults.
  • Pace Properly
    While sweating helps keep your body warm, too much of it can also cause your body to overheat. The goal is always to have a balance between being warm, especially your fingers and toes, and to the extreme of sweating too much that you will end up panting. This will make you more exhausted and might even lead to becoming colder after heating up.
  • Layer Adjustments
    When doing strenuous activities outdoors during winter, it is unavoidable to sweat. When this happens, it is best to adjust the layers of the clothing that you are wearing. It clothes that you need to wear depends on how cold the weather is. Is it windy or cold is fast-drying? By being particular with the weather, you are also more in tune with what to wear so as not to overdo or underprepared for the cold.
  • Eat More
    When you are going to engage in an activity outside and have difficulty going back home, it is good to eat more snacks that are high in fat. Some of these include nuts, cheese, and chocolate. This is so since foods rich in fat are more likely to burn slowly. This, in turn, provides your body with the much-needed warmth during a cold tour outside.
  • Drink Regularly
    We may not notice it most of the time, but we are more likely to dehydrate. It may be the assumption since we do not sweat that much. But it is a best practice to always come handy with a thermos of hot beverage to keep dehydrated.
  • Always Bring Extra Gloves
    Your gloves will inevitably become wet during activity outside. It can also be possible that anyone you are with, or even you, will need an extra glove outside. It has always been a safety precaution for everyone taking a trip or doing work outside during winter. At least you are ready for anything that can happen that is out of your control.
  • Pre-Warm Boots and Gloves
    Of all the body parts that become prone to being cold, the toes and fingers become susceptible to being the first parts of the body to become cold. This is so since these are far from the heart. When the body is cold, the brain dictates the capillaries, especially those in far extremities, to stop the circulation so as to safeguard the core of the body from getting cold blood back to the heart. So, always pre-warming boots and gloves give yourself a favor by being warm while outside.

These are all things to do to keep warm. Are there any we missed? Don't forget to comment them down below.