
Planting a coffee tree starts with planting the coffee tree. These coffee beans are coffee tree seeds, obviously. To make a coffee, you needed a coffee tree. Coffee seeds are usually planted on shaded nurseries’ large beds. The seeds will need a lot of water each day to grow under shaded from sunlight. 

When the seed had sprouted, it needed to wait a little longer until they are ready to be transferred or planted. Usually, planting these trees happens on wet seasons when the soil is moist. Moist and rich soil will help the seed to sprout and mature faster. Depending on the variety of coffee plants you planted, the tree can take up to 3-4yearsr to fully mature. 

Harvesting the Fruit

Depending on the variety, it will take up to 3-4 years before the tree can bear coffee fruit. Coffee beans ripen at different phases or rates. The beans grow over the following months when they ripen. It’s ready to be harvested. You can either do strip picking. All the fruit are stripped off the branch at one time, or you can do selective picky, in which you only pick the ripe fruit to be harvested. This method tends to be the best if you want to produce high-quality coffee. 

Pulping and Drying

Once you harvest the beans, the first processing step is to remove the fruit’s outer skin. This process is called pulping. It can be done either using a machine or manually with your hands. After the outer skin is removed, the next step is to lay it out in the sun to dry. The drying process takes about a week depends on the weather. 

Sun drying the beans takes out their moisture. Also, the coffee bean must be raked every few hours to avoid uneven drying. After a week of drying the be, a bean turns into parchment. At this point, bean parchment can be processed immediately to the next phase, or you can store it. 

Hulling and Roasting

The next process is hulling the parchment. Coffee parchment is then feed through a hulling machine. This process strips the last layer of the skin away from the beans. Once the hulling process is finished, the beans must be sorted. This helps to sort the quality of the bean. Once the coffee is sorted, it moves onto the roasting process. The roasting process turns the green bean into aromatic dark ones. 


After the roasting process, the next stage is called the grinding process.  Grinding machines are fed with roasted coffee turning it into a dust-like material or powder or finer grain.  Beans can be ground into extra coarse, coarse, medium coarse, medium, medium-fine, fine, and extra fine. 

Into Your Cup

The long wait is over. At this point, you already know what the next step is. Either you buy roasted coffee or buy coffee that has already been ground. Many of us really don’t have an idea how coffee is made. Manufacturing and producing the final product requires many steps and a long process. Coffee is essential. It keeps us active all day long, well that’s what my father always told me.