Cats are our ultimate stress relievers, whether it is actual or through a video. It provides a different kind of feeling that can simply take away any sign of stress, pressure, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and other else. This is why cats became a common star of several videos online, not only to show off but to inspire and share cuteness all over the world. Different videos of cats are being uploaded on the internet daily, and it can easily have thousands and even millions of reacts, comments, and shares from cat lovers all over the world. Given that, here are only some of the reasons why we love cat videos.


Whatever a cat makes, we consider it as a cute act. Whether it is a simple stare, lying on a bed, playtime, while eating, even pooping, and so many more. Cats don’t seem to need to do particular acts for them to be cute. Also, the popping eyes of cats provide additional cuteness that leaves us in great awe. Another thing, their epic fails are the cutest and funniest.

Great Source of Inspiration

Cats are a great source of inspiration. We can easily feel the charms of cats with its simple meow, scrub, and stare. It can keep us moving forward despite unending life problems and pressures. Also, cats can be our motivation to work hard towards achieving something since we both need to have a supply of food. Once undone, our cats will meow endlessly, as well as won’t stop bothering us.

Another thing, cats attract positivity. This positivity then can be transferred to us once our cats began to show signs of positive vibes or simply began acting cute.

It is Safe

Not all of us can be safe with cats, especially those who have complications such as asthma and allergies. That’s why cat videos became a great alternative to feel like owning a cat despite not being real. With these cute cat videos, our asthmatic and allergic friends can find time being inspired by different cat videos on the internet. Besides, it doesn’t cost any money, and it does not bring any harm to others.

Another thing, some people are afraid of cats, and viewing it on screen is the only alternative. Here, there is safety, and especially there are instances wherein cats can be aggressive and might cause accidents. Cats can use its claws and fangs to bite once it felt threatened.

Cats have been part of the culture

Aside from being pets, cats also made contributions in shaping cultures in different countries, especially in Egypt, wherein cats were recognized as Gods a hundred years ago. This puts emphasis on cats as important animals and must be treated with the utmost respect, love, and care.

Great Content

Lastly, cats are great video contents that can earn millions of likes, shares, and comments easily. With just a short period, cat videos can be spread out quickly across social media users across the world. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are the most commonly used social media platforms for cat video sharing. Here, having millions of users and followers, cat videos can easily gain popularity.

Another thing, even some cat owners use cats as their video content to be uploaded on these social media platforms. In return, this can be monetized and be a source of living.

With these given reasons, cats indeed deserve to be cared for and loved. With their simple acts of cuteness, it can simply take away our stress and problems. Good thing, we have modern technology and the internet nowadays so we can easily view different cat videos. How about you? What are your thoughts about cat videos? Share your thoughts below.