The common saying “it takes 10,000 hours to master something” is actually true. It's been proven that mastering a skill takes at least that long. It takes years of experience and self-discipline to become a master at anything, even a simple task like doing the laundry. Plus, the more you practice something, the better you get at it, and the faster you get. For example, if you do the laundry every day for a year, you'll be able to do the same amount of laundry in just a few minutes. One of the biggest problems with trying to get yourself to do something new is falling into the trap of doing the opposite. When you try to do something, it's natural to try to stop yourself from doing it. So, when you are trying to improve yourself, it's important to overcome your weaker side.

People often feel they have to be someone they're not in order to be accepted. They feel that if they could just be more like the person they want others to see, then they'd stand out from the crowd and be happy. Or maybe the problem is that they just can't stand who they are, so they feel that they have to run away from their problems. But either way, it's easier to draw attention to yourself, deep down inside, than it is to take responsibility for your shortcomings. Here are tips to overcome your weaker self:

Visualize your goals

As humans, we are all capable of achieving our goals. It all depends on our motivation. You may have a goal to lose weight or to save money. But what if you don’t have a goal? If you have a goal and want it to happen, you'll need to visualize it happening. This is easier said than done, especially when you're weighing whether a certain TV series is worth watching or whether a new restaurant will be as good as previous ones you've tried.

Avoid being overwhelmed

We often feel that we are too busy or tired or overwhelmed to get anything done. But some people are so busy that they don't have time to slow down and enjoy the moment. Or they are so overwhelmed that they discount all their positive experiences. Every day, we have many things we could do. The problem is that we always try to do too many things so that it takes too much time, and we often end up doing nothing.

Make an action plan

It is easy to get caught up in the daily minutiae of life and succumb to the pressure of the world's demands. But there is always time to step back and take the long view. We often feel overwhelmed, but if we take some time to plan, we can make a difference in our life. We can take the minutes and hours we have each day and make them count toward our goals. We can get ourselves organized and re-energized. And the best part is, the more we plan, the better we are at following through.

We all have a weakness. It is a weakness of some sort. It could be our ability to make decisions, or it could be the ability to be more assertive, or our tendency to procrastinate. We all have one thing in our lives that make us feel inferior, or worse, which means we feel unworthy of love or attention.

We all have self-doubts, but those that prevent us from reaching our goals are the ones that we hold on to the most. We all have a “weaker self” that shows itself when we’re stressed or when we’ve been in a bad mood for a long period of time. This is the version of you that always lets others down, always accepts the blame for what goes wrong, and always doubters your abilities to get what you want. Every time this weaker self shows itself, you give in to it, and you let this negative version of you take over.