Defining Vehicle Differences

The mass is well-aware of what an electric car is and how it works. Electric vehicles run on battery-powered electric motors or another portable source of electricity like rechargeable batteries. In contrast with the conventional vehicles on the road, electric cars lack an internal combustion engine.
Hydrogen fuel cell cars are in a way similar to electric cars. They are also propelled by a motor powered by electricity. The slight difference is the electricity source. Instead of a battery, hydrogen cars mainly depend on fuel cells. Fuel cells convert hydrogen and oxygen into electricity, which is then consumed to run a car without all that harmful tailpipe emissions.

Advantages and Disadvantages: Electric Cars vs. Hydrogen Cars

In every comparison, it is extremely necessary to negotiate with the pros on cons of each side. Below is a list of factors where electric cars outrace hydrogen cars and vice versa.

Fuel Emissions

Both electric cars and hydrogen cars produce zero direct emissions. There are no questions at all on how efficient both are. However, hydrogen cars have a fuel tank, and they produce evaporative emissions. These emissions are comprised of only warm air and water vapor. Although these can potentially lead to pollution, in contrast with gasoline-powered cars, the emissions are cut by over 30 percent.

Electric cars do not produce emissions from the tailpipe, but it doesn’t excuse them from upstream emissions. Comparably, an all-electric vehicle creates way less pollution than traditional petrol cars by about 50 percent.

Driving Range

The driving range can vary depending on different metrics. If given a neutral situation, an all-electric car can travel 200 miles at most on a single charge. On the other hand, hydrogen-powered cars can travel a maximum of 300 hundred miles with a fully filled fuel tank. Again, that can vary depending on factors like where the vehicle is driven, the number of passengers, and the car model as well. For example, Tesla Model S, an all-electric vehicle, has a driving range of around 370 miles. That is absolutely higher than the average driving range of most all-electric vehicles.

Availability of Refueling Stations and Refueling Duration

Refueling a hydrogen fuel cell car to a full tank takes about 5 minutes and is a fairly quick process. While recharging an electric car from empty to full can take about 8 hours. 5 minutes versus 8 hours is a no-brainer. The issue lies in the availability of refueling stations.
Electric vehicles can be recharged at homes, making 8 hours of recharging not dreadful at all. Refueling stations for hydrogen cars are barely available, making it almost impossible for a retail customer to consider owning a hydrogen car for personal use.

Business-wise, the favor is towards electric vehicles as well. Fuel management is an important factor for fleet management, thus making all-electric vehicles more favorable than hydrogen ones.

Establishing the Future of the Automotive Industry

Years ago, the e-mobility concept was excitingly envisioning hydrogen and electric batteries to be the future of the automotive industry. Today, however, electric cars seem to have taken the lead in the race, leaving the other several miles behind. What are your thoughts regarding the competition? Do you think hydrogen fuel cars will recover and overtake all-electric vehicles? Or will electric cars keep their momentum and continue to win the game? Your thoughts are highly welcome.