
Human Exploring Planets

TESS or Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has found a planet with the same size as Earth its star habitable zone, the array of distances where conditions might be right to let the presence of water on the surface. Experts confirmed the find, and they ..


Is the Moon Base from NASA Really a Good Idea?

We need to stay in a place where no one has discovered it previously. This is a suggestion from a planetary researcher. The Chang’e 3, which is the lander and its rover is known to be the initial rocket that landed on the soft surface of the lunar way bac..


The Fascination of No Man’s Sky

During this pandemic, it is hard to beat boredom. Yes, watching TV, streaming to songs, and browsing the internet can help. But doing them repetitively can be dull and no longer interesting for me.


The Fascination of Space

It cannot be denied that space is truly an amazing creation from God. Its huge size that holds trillions of galaxies made every person fascinated by its beauty. In this post, we are going to share with you why a lot of us are fascinated by space. You wil..


Why Do We Want to Go to the Moon?

Have you heard about the Apollo Program? If you are interested in space travel and going to the moon, you have surely heard about this. Here, we will explain it in detail. The Apollo program's original goal was to prove that man could travel to, and walk..


This Is What A Populated Mars Could Look Like

Every Mars exploration rover inched down the red planet’s surface, collecting dirt and rocks and testing them against Earth’s conditions. The rovers sent back science results, maps, photos, and samples of Mars rock to scientists back on Earth. While NASA’..

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