There are plenty of great ideas to pimp up your old furniture. You'll be amazed at the outcome, share this with your friends so they can save a lot of money, too.

Paint It 

Painting old furniture can transform it into a fine piece of art. It will make any old furniture looks new and unique. Grab a paintbrush and start painting it. Any color of your choice will do as long as your happy with it. Painting old furniture doesn't require complicated skills. It's straightforward to do and can be a fun activity with your kids.  

Add some Art Materials and Components

Adding some DIY art materials and components to your old furniture can give a unique and artistic look. Materials such as beads, stickers, art painting, resin, leather, stones, and many more can add some wow factor to it. Worn-out old furniture has transformed into something beautiful thanks to these materials and your creativity.

Sample of some old furniture that you can transform Using your Creativity:

Reuse your Old Drawer

Old drawers can be tuned to many things including, bookshelf, bed for pets, and many more. All you have to do is pull out the drawers, sand them, turn them into something new then paint it. 

Reuse Your Old Door Panel

Door Panels can be reused in many ways. You can turn them into a bench, headboard chard, or even a table. Then pimp it up by sanding and painting it. 

Turn Your Old Windowpane into a Frame

You can use your old windowpane and turn them into a large picture frame. You can add some art components and materials such as beads to make it more beautiful. 

Make something new Out of Old Furniture Pieces and Scraps

Found useless furniture scraps lying around your house? Please don't throw it away! Furniture scraps can be transformed into something new. Well, if your creative enough, you can create amazing stuff with it. For example, a broken window shutter can be turned into a mail organizer. An old sewing machine can be turned into a vanity table. Broken chairs can be turned into a bench, and so on. The idea is limitless. Use your creativity, and you'll be amazed at the outcome of your DIY project. 


Old furniture should not be thrown away unless it's totally useless, then you can throw it away. There are many things you can do with your old furniture. You can make DIY furniture, or you can pimp out old pieces. Recycling them is the best way to save more money because instead of buying new ones, you're reusing them. Pimping out old furniture is easy. If you're having trouble, you could always browse some websites that often have many interesting tips on restoring and creating DIY furniture. Recycling, reusing, recreating your old furniture is much cheaper than buying brand new ones.