When we were a kid, we have all heard the stories about Santa Clause. As a kid, we once taught that Santa Clause is real, and he lives at the North Pole. Every December, stories of Santa Clause begin yet to amaze small children year after year after year. But where do these stories come from? Is it true that Santa Clause exists and he lives at the North Pole?

Origin of Santa Clause

Let’s start at the very beginning, who is Santa Clause in real life. The origin of the Santa Clause started long ago. Saint Nicholas of Myra, a fourth-century saint in a Roman town today is known as Turkey, is the real-life Santa. But Santa Clause isn’t really Big and Chubby and doesn’t have a beard. The figure of Santa Clause is based on the saint who lived in a Roman town.

Where does Santa Come from

The real-life Santa is Saint Nicholas of Myra. Saint Nicholas was a renowned Christian, and he became famous because of his generosity. Everyone knows Santa Clause lives at the north pole because that’s what our parents or teachers told us. In fact, Santa is from Turkey. Thanks to a cartoonist named Thomas Nast, we have believed that Santa lives at the North pole.

So Why the North Pole a cold place to live in? During the mid-1800s, artic places was a place were fantasy happens (more like a fantasy land). Back in the early days, no one had seen nor had the idea who and what lives in the North Pole. It was a perfect place for Santas Home. The North Pole back in the days is mysterious to people.

This place is known for never-ending snow, and snow becomes symbolic and associated with the Christmas holidays. The North Pole had become a perfect location for Santa, this place where it’s constantly snowing all year round. It was perfect to hideout a mysterious land where no one has ever seen. Thomas Nast’s publication gave the idea that the north pole was the home of Santa Clause.

The most famous legend today is that Santa Clause resides in a cold place called the North pole. Thomas Nast, an American Cartoonist, start the theory. In an image he drew for Harper’sWeekly he claimed that Santa Clause home was located near the North Pole in the ice and snow.

While some people believed that Santa is indeed residing at the North Pole, but some believed that Santa lives in Korvatunturi in Lapland. The story we know is that Santa does not live by himself. He shares his cozy workshop with his tiny elve workers and magical reindeers.

The Story of Santa Clause can be traced deeply in our history, though we know exactly what lies at the North Pole. It’s a cold Place that no one would ever dare to live in because of constant snow and freezing temperature. Other than that, the North Pole may be just the perfect place for Santa Clause. A mysterious place where Santa’s Workshop is hidden within the pure white snow.

The Christmas season is the season of giving presents. Santa Clause is associated with the Christmas holiday children believed that Santa would bring them to present when they have done good deeds and being nice throughout the year, but today, the real Santa would be your parent or friends.

Christmas is by far the best holiday there is. Kids and even adults are excited about Christmas. Seeing Christmas decorations can bring smiles to everyone. Santa is the Star of Christmas that brings joy and hope to people.